Side Roller Screens Pergolas | Sunair Awnings

green restaurant sign with pergola extended over outdoor seating area
close up of screen pulled down and the housing that is stored in
John Wright Store & Restaurant outside view of enclosed pergola
outside view of pergola looking in to the seating area

view of the side roller window coverings for a pergola

Far away shot of side roller windows on a pergola that is wooden and white

up high view of a pergola with the roof closed and side roller windows all the way down

pergola open and side roller windows completely up so the deck is exposed

Full cassette retractable screen fabric, either with windows or mesh fabric. Can be operated by manual gear or motor, with remote control.

Most systems can also be fitted with roll down screens for extra weather protection on the front and sides. Use the SC4500 screen with our specially engineered zipper system keeping the fabric within the track, and keeping unwanted bugs from entering the space. Both solar screen fabric and Tuff Screen bug fabrics are available. The SC4500 can also be fitted with vinyl fabric and clear windows for keeping moderate weather at bay, and creating a three season enclosure. You can find more information on our web site under SC4500 exterior zipper screens.


Customers Say

I want to congratulate your company on its excellent customer service, something that in today's world is nearly nonexistent. From the very...

– Satisfied Customer

During this winter, on sunny days we raised our sunair windowscreens, allowing sunlight to warm and brighten our rooms. Sure beats window tint!

– Mike H

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