Advantages of Sunair® Rolling Screens

Solar screens can significantly reduce indoor temperature and therefore save money on your cooling costs.  Depending on the type of fabric used, the solar screen can reduce ambient room temperature by up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

Exterior solar screen

exterior solar screen diagram

Interior solar screen

interior solar screen diagram

inner shades pulled down lightly overlooking urban setting

brown couch with red pillows and red walls with interior shades halfway down

Solar screens can be installed both on the exterior and interior applications of residential and commercial spaces. The benefit with exterior solar screens is that the fabric blocks the sun before it enters the home through the glass. Sometimes it is not feasible to install an exterior screen. In such a case, interior screens offer a good alternative. Interior screens are also more economical

An exterior solar shade can effectively block up to 100 % of solar heat rays using a black out fabric type. If energy savings and solar protection is most important, but you desire some view through the fabric, then a tight weave like a 3 – 10% open fabric mesh is used. Such an openness factor gives good solar control and some view through the fabric especially if a dark color is chosen. You may therefore realize a potential reduction in air-conditioning costs by as much as 25 – 40%.

Screens with 10 – 30% open mesh is used more for insect control and view.

We will be glad to help you choose a fabric brand and style that is best for your application.

If you are interested in receiving estimated “Energy savings” calculations on solar screens for New York, go to the following link at Textenergi®*
*Note: Sunair does guarantee accuracy of the information provided by Textenergi.

Cuts Down on Solar Glare

Both interior and exterior solar screens reduce or eliminate sun glare while still keeping a view of the outside. All of our screen mesh fabrics cut down on solar glare, but some are more open than others. If reducing sun glare is important but also keeping the view, then a 3 - 8% open mesh is better suited for such applications.

Additional Benefits

Solar shades also cut down on interior fading of floors, carpets, and furniture. Solar shades can also give you daytime privacy in your bedroom, home, or office. Sunair offers many brands of “Black out” type fabrics that completely block all light. If the shade is configured with black out tracks, the tracks twill keep light from coming in on the sides between the glass of the window and the shade fabric. These types of shades are ideal for media rooms and bedrooms where privacy is important. Sunair offers fabrics from Phifer, Twitchell, Alkenz, Recscreen, Ferrari, and Mermet. The fabric recommended on your screen will depend on what type off screen you have and for which purpose you will use it.

Please click here for complete PAMA solar screen study

*Note: Sunair does guarantee accuracy of the information provided by Pama

Customers Say

During this winter, on sunny days we raised our sunair windowscreens, allowing sunlight to warm and brighten our rooms. Sure beats window tint!

– Mike H

The deck is now our new family area. Our SUNAIR retractable awning looks just as good after 5 years as it did when it was installed.

– Fred, Annapolis, MD

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